

Monday, 25 September 2017

Sightings at Cley Marshes (24th September 2017)

It was surprisingly warm with temperatures easily reaching 19°C by midday. There was also an easterly wind with speeds rising to around 12mph.

We arrived at the East Bank car park at around 9.12am and proceeded to walk to the beach, to carry out a seawatch. We then made our way back to the visitor centre and after having some lunch, spent the afternoon in Daukes Hide. 

The following was seen from 9.12am until 2.00pm:
Gannet x 9 - A mixture of adult and juvenile birds were diving for food along Cley beach.
Brent Goose x 34
Little Egret x 3
Manx Shearwater x 2 - The pair of birds were again seen from Cley beach and flew west towards Blakeney. 
Wheater x 1 - A single bird seen perched on the sand ridge, just north of Arnold's Marsh. 
Meadow Pipit x 2 - One individual was seen close to the Wheater on the same ridge.
Curlew x 1
Kestrel x 2
Buzzard x 1
Ruff x 13 - The majority were seen on Simmonds' Scrape with some in the process of moulting, displaying a large amount of white feathers on the head and neck.
Dunlin x 6 - All were seen on Simmonds' Scrape.
White-front Goose x 1 - A single bird seen hidden among a flock of Greylags. It then proceeded to fly away with the rest of the flock. 
Little Stint x 5 - All were seen on Simmonds' Scrape.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Sightings at Sculthorpe Moor (17th September 2017)

Another quiet day at Sculthorpe Moor with a mixture of sunshine and rain throughout the morning.

The following birds were seen from 8.00am:
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1
Kingfisher x 1 - At least one individual seen regularly flying around the reserve, using the the dyke (next to Oak Fen) as a passageway. As was the case last week, it then continued to feed in front of Whitley Hide. It was hovering for long periods of time and diving into the water.
Nuthatch x 2
Bullfinch x 1
Coal Tit x 1
Kestrel x 1
Jay x 5
Buzzard x 4
Greenfinch x 4
Goldcrest x 1

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Sightings at Sculthorpe Moor (2nd September 2017)

An usually quiet day at Sculthorpe, but probably not all that surprising given the time of year. The weather was reasonably warm, throughout the morning, with temperatures remaining steady at around 18°C.

The following was seen since 8.00am:
Chaffinch x 4
Bullfinch x 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 3
Little Egret x 1
Grey Heron x 1
Common Sandpiper x 1 - The single bird initially landed near the Paul Johnson hide and disappeared, but it then made a brief reappearance and flew into the reed bed. 
Nuthatch x 2
Coal Tit x 2
Little Grebe x 1
Jay x 8
Kestrel x 2
Buzzard x 1
Kingfisher x 2 -  Seen feeding in front of the Whitley Hide, whilst a second bird was seen flying along the dyke near Kingfisher Bridge.
Marsh Tit x 2
Swallow x 8